When researching whether or not you should enter into the alpaca lifestyle there’s something you need to consider that has nothing to do with the cute and cuddly looking alpacas. How business savvy are you?
Ranching alpacas doesn’t only cover breeding, medical, pasture management, manure management, birthing, shearing, and general care of the animal but it also means you’re going to have to file for your DBA, get tax IDs, collect and file sales tax, market your alpacas or finished goods, figure out how and why you’re pricing an item, record keeping, computers, internet, and yes even hiring employees potentially. These are all things that farm visits won’t teach you yet you need to know before you jump into purchasing your first animals.
Over the next few weeks I will be writing posts on the following topics:
– Writing a Business Plan
– Choosing a Business Form
– Pricing your Products
– Understanding Cost to Sell Fiber at a Profit
– Websites and Social Networking
As a potential or new small business owner you’ll need help. Here are some suggestions for you to look into locally.
– Local Chamber of Commerce
– Local College – Business Office
– Small Business Administration
– Find a Mentor!