TGIFAF! Welcome back to Fiber Arts Friday!
Next weekend is the big Northeast Alpaca Expo in Syracuse NY. We will be showing our cria Albina in it and that got me to thinking. I decided to add a little flair to our show presence by working up a special lead rope for the occasion. Since Beanie’s dam is white and her sire is Black I thought a little zebra coloring would be fun.
I had some scrap chunky acrylic yarn hanging around in the colors I wanted and got to work. I spun a rope core and did an 8 plait braid around it complete with a bolt snap and decorative knot and fringe at the end.
I’m very pleased with the outcome and can’t wait for the show! If you’ll be at the expo come check us out, we are sharing a stall with EastWest Alpaca Ranch.